Adolescent DBT Therapy
DBT also has a large body of research showing that it is effective for suicidal or emotionally dysregulated teens. Comprehensive DBT for adolescents is a program with multiple modes of treatment targeting multiple areas that treat the adolescent, give the family tools, and looks to help the family system.

ADOLESCENT DBT: Skills Training
Adolescent DBT Skills Training is a 2 ½ hour weekly group (with a break) for both the adolescent and caregivers. It is designed to enhance the capacity of the individual, care givers, and the family unit in the areas of Core Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Walking the Middle Path, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance.
There is a classroom atmosphere with skills being taught, practiced, and practice assigned outside of class. The first half of the class is spent reviewing your practice over the last week, while the second is learning a new skill. Going through all the modules takes about 25 weeks. And each module is about 6 weeks long. Research for adolescents also supports two times through the class, or approximately one year treatment, for best skills acquisition and retention.

ADOLESCENT DBT: Individual Sessions
Adolescent DBT Individual Therapy is once a week for as long as the patient is in the program. The purpose is to help maintain motivation for the treatment and apply what is being learned in a skills group specifically to your life.

ADOLESCENT DBT: Individual/Family Therapy
Family Individual Therapy sessions are also held periodically to look at skill use in the system, and help generalize skills learned in class. These are typically once a month, and may vary based on discussion with the clinician.

DBT Adolescent: Phone Coaching
Adolescent DBT Phone Coaching is designed to help the adolescent apply what they are learning when they need it. Phone coaching is also available for parents to emphasize their use of skills outside of class and therapy. Both the parents and child will have access to the therapist between group and session to get coaching on how to cope and use the skills they’re learning.

ADOLESCENT DBT: Consultation Team
Consultation Team is a weekly meeting for the treatment providers to provide support and ensure fidelity to the DBT model. This provides opportunities for collaboration and support that ensure that you are getting a motivated and well informed therapist.

Interested in Comprehensive Adolescent DBT?
Please call to check for our next openings as slots are limited.