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What's Yours
Making Your Life Enjoyable
At Decision Tree Mental Health, PLLC, we want you to have a full, enjoyable life, that is worth living. We try to accomplish this by providing empirically supported treatments, treatments that research show as effective, for complicated emotional and behavioral issues. We offer both in-person as well as virtual therapy to provide you with the best possible help.

Mental Health Care
What We Do
We provide a comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) program for adults with pervasive emotional dysregulation. We also provide an intensive treatment designed to help adults that have experienced a variety of traumatic experiences. We can also help individuals that experience both pervasive emotional dysregulation and traumatic stress. Our hope is to give you the tools you need to overcome what is getting in the way of the life you want to live.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
DBT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy developed for chronically suicidal patients often diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Prolonged Exposure is a gold standard treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder with decades of research to support it.
What is DBT Therapy?
Learn More From One of Our Therapists
About Us
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At Decision Tree Mental Health, PLLC, one of the many parts of our philosophy is that this type of treatment should be available to as many as possible. We are a small outfit and can’t see everyone, so our small problem solving effort includes providing consultation, professional trainings, or intensive supervision in order to support other community providers in the use of empirically supported treatments. So if you are a clinician, organization, or group wanting to move towards this type of programing we would love to talk with you.